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The Boeing B-47 Stratojet was developed in the early 1950s as a long-range strategic nuclear bomber with the capability to strike targets within the Soviet Union. Bolstered by fears of a Cold War, over 2000 B-47s were produced. The B-47 featured jet engines and a swept wing - cutting edge technology for the 1950s. Our B-47 tag is made from cut sections of Stratojet canopy, and each come with a special B-47 edition cardback. The B-47 canopy is 3 layers thick: and outer hard layer, a middle soft layer, and an inner thin layer. Our tags are made from the inner and outer hard layers, and come in 2 thicknesses - outer canopy and inner canopy. Only 250 B-47 tags will be produced. Please select your thickness preference from the drop-down menu. 


This is a pre-production tag and the final design may differ slightly. Pre-orders will begin shipping in late April. 




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